上海第一分公司尚层装饰>上海第一分公司别墅案例>御见—— 韵东方,意语静,暖自宅 / 游老师设计作品


名称 :御见—— 韵东方,意语静,暖自宅 / 游老师设计作品

面积 :800

风格 :现代

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御见—— 韵东方,意语静,暖自宅 / 游老师设计作品








家是整体 亦有性格,空间包揽生活万象,以生活者的想象筑起天限灵感


Yun Oriental, intentionally quiet, warm self -reliance.

The home is also a personality, the space is available to all life, and the inspiration of the heavens is built with the imagination of the life.

The ideal place is a space carrier, metaphorically a distinctive attitude towards life




Project overview


The owner is a young man who has a high quality of life. The design process has reached trust through multiple communication. It has enough trust and giving enough time to achieve a work that shaped with heart. The overall space is not restricted by the original building structure, and the tolerance and extension of the space are found.






The household is based on simple and pure white, without too many complicated decorations. The circular shape lamp belt means the completeness of the home, and the simple and generous temperament reflects the personal aesthetic taste of the villa owner.





In the design of space design, you need to relax and use the large -scale design of luxury homes to grasp the size of complexity and simplicity, and create a gorgeous and practical design style, so as to have a more family life. From the layout to the thickness of the furniture, to the magnification of each detail, it is constantly sublimating the "new scale" of space.






This mansion is based on black and white and gray. The background wall of the white fish belly and white rock plate shows the visual impact of bright and dark in the light and shadow sight. The bright place looks warm and wide, and the dark parts appear low -key and restrained. Each space has a carefully designed use, which can bring different life experiences to the residents.


The restaurant kitchen area is designed in the same surface, and the ceiling has a layered gradient effect, highlighting the difference between the dual area. The kitchen ceiling is built in thick wood, and the dining room ceiling combines the golden light belt through white decorative noodles to show a clear and bright effect, so as to synchronize modern fireworks and achieve clever tacit understanding.


Deep walnut -colored and gray furniture fusion steel structure staircase background boards create different characteristics. The entrance to the household is added to the semi -transparent boutique cabinet, which is implicitly bringing a better sense of room for space to the living room. In conjunction with the large floor glass windows, each space is particularly open.






Each area is divided into clear separation, giving a minimalist and orderly design method. The shape, light and shadow are cleverly intertwined with various materials, creating a daily opportunity of division and free and free.



The villa picks up the living room design, the effect of the high stretching space layer. At the same time, the ceiling is made of extremely black and white composition to remove the main light design. The dislocation of the L -shaped staircase with black and white color and the U -shaped stairs on the second floor brings more fun to the space. The U -shaped stairs on the second floor, hovering on the line design, gives the static space dynamic feeling. At the same time, the installation lights of the meteorites floating in the middle of this transparent staircase fluctuate, and directly penetrate the four -story master bedroom space.


The neutral color of the master bedroom also contains the warmth of the family. The wall decoration with a folding corner, the screen of the geometric graphic elements is enriched and converted to the use of materials. The unique shape makes it a visual focus of the facade space. In this relatively simple environment, it becomes the artistic personality of the owner's artistic personality Low -key expression.


In the bustling hustle and bustle city, it gives us a quiet world, let us release our impetuous soul, the pressure brought by modern life, and home to give us a warm home, which is the place where people are deeply emotional.


YOUSPACE设计事务所  创始人

YOU 建筑设计   设计总监

上海USCASA 艺术设计设计总监     

尚层别墅装饰  游小华工作室

APDC亚太设计大奖.金奖 /MUSE美国缪斯设计奖.金奖

专注室内设计15年,“用一辈子的时间,做好设计”  因为“家”对谁来说都很重要,责任重大。策划 一个美好的生活方式很关键  “  和谁,几时,在哪,场景,发生怎么样的美好的故事” 。而 布局,风格,费用, 排在其后。首先设计是为解决问题而存在的,“ 问题就是需求,需求背后一定有原因” 把问题 问诊 清楚了,再营造出独一无二的居家空间。不光是表象美观,要更长远 / 可持续 / 有预见性 / 可调整 / 可互动 / 并拥有最大的舒适度,达到品质生活,达到人与空间的相融相敬。利用好原始结构,通风采光,利用材质本有的属性,让材质在空间中表现其,特有的质感和温度,让它沉淀,让它记录。让空间说话,与空间一同成长,一起拥抱幸福美好的时光。

2015 华鼎奖 别墅空间《玛氏》一等奖

2015 第六届筑巢奖 《木》金奖

2016 中国上海国际建筑及室内设计节  金外滩奖  

2017 台湾SAA(六艺奖)优秀作品奖

2017 国际空间设计大奖艾特奖 最佳商业空间设计奖

2018 第十届“祝融奖”别墅空间 金奖

2018 中国空间设计大赛“鹏鼎奖”中国十大当红别墅设计

2018 中国空间设计大赛“鹏鼎奖”最佳豪宅空间作品奖

2019 中国空间设计大赛“鹏鼎奖”商业空间--金奖

2019 第十届筑巢奖 《有间》言馆  入围奖

2019 第十七届设计传媒奖 展示空间  金奖

2020  中国CCID室内设计23届 《YOU SPACE》 银奖

2020 《瑞丽无界》家居空间  银奖

2020  APDC 亚太设计中心  Grand Award  金奖

2020 躺平设计《回归、新生》 最佳别墅大宅空间奖

2021 40 UNDER 40 中国上海设计杰出青年

2021 台湾金点设计--入围奖

2021 美国 MUSE DESIGN AWARD 商业空间--金奖

2022 第17届金外滩最佳样板房   银奖

2023年 华语设计领袖人物


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